Malarvizhi Thangaswamy Founder Narasimhan Munusamy Cofounder Saravana Kumar Training Consultant Nithish Jain M Financial Advisor Sayali Gandhe Business Development Manager About UsWe’re a proactive & experienced creative agency StartupHow to choose the right line for a business strategyApril 21, 20201Comment StartupWorrying about a deadline is not worth the outcomeApril 21, 20201Comment StartupPsychologists explain peoples’ wild desire to winApril 21, 20200Comments StartupSEO as a state of mind: popular campaignsApril 21, 20200Comments StartupHow to stop procrastinating and finish a projectApril 21, 20201Comment StartupSocial media tips: taking your sales to the next levelApril 21, 20200Comments